Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beauty vs Repulsion


1. I feel like I should get the bad out of the way first so my opinion of bad art is rather simple.
Whenever an art piece doesn't really make me think or provoke a certain emotion, I dislike it. "Shy Glance" by Dawn Marie Jingagian is bad art because the subject just looks out from the canvas at nothing. There is no emotion in her eye or hair.  Good art on the other hand is a piece that makes me wonder why someone would create such a piece. Good art makes me look closer at the piece because I am intrigued.  I guess the oddity of a piece is appealing to me because you have to think about why their mind is working how it is. A great example of good art in my opinion is basically anything MC Escher does. Nearly all of his pieces make me think of how I could create something so interesting while staying sane.

2. Honorific art (according to me) is defined as art that you can respect the time an effort that someone put into by looking closely at every single aspect and detail of the piece.  If you don't respect the art then you aren't honoring it and it is no longer honorific art to you. It is all an opinion.

3. Classificatory definition of art (in my opinion) is when you define something as art when it is displayed in a gallery or an "art authority" (or historian or someone) claims something as art. I disagree with this. I disagree with the idea that, in order for something to be called art, someone has to call it art or it has to be displayed in a gallery.  In my opinion, art is in the eyes of the beholder.

4. I don't think that discussing many pieces of art or aesthetics makes me uncomfortable. I may be slightly offended by the piece but after a few seconds I remember that I didn't make the piece. Someone else is expressing their views and opinions through their art so I have to respect their decision to express them.

5. The artist I found from The Drawing Center that relates to this project of mine the best would be Peter Foucault. He has a couple pieces that appear very messy and gestural which is my slight view of repulsion. Many of his other pieces though have a great attention to detail and have many small lines that for a great picture when you look at it from a slight distance.

1 comment:

  1. good responses. your definitions of honorific and classificatory needs to switched....otherwise good job.
